Please follow our germination instructions below very carefully to achieve the best results possible.
Please ensure that you document, through the use of photography or video, your germination attempts as we may ask for supporting material when assessing any claims for replacement products.
method #1
Have everything you need to hand. Purified or bottled water, tweezers, paper towels, your seeds and a dinner plate.
Moisten two paper towels and carefully ring out any excess water.
Put one wet paper towel onto your plate.
Take your seeds and place them neatly onto the towel, leaving an inch or so of space between each one.
Place the other paper towel over your seeds, adding enough water to keep everything moist.
Make sure there is no free standing water by lifting up the paper towel.
Put the plate in a warm dark place, a cupboard or a drawer will suffice.
Leave the seeds for 24 to 120 hours, keeping them moist and NEVER letting them dry out.
Once your seeds have a healthy taproot, they are ready for planning.
method #2
Gather your supplies: seeds, sanitized clean cup, purified or Ro water, tweezers (optional).
Fill cup with water, place seeds in water and soak for 8-12 hours.
While seeds soak get your seedlings home set up, cup or pot, medium of choice, light source in a space with temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees with RH between 40%-60%.
After 8-12 hours, carefully place seedlings into medium (1 seed per pot) under the light source set to 18 hours on 6 hours off. Keep Moist and watch closely, the seedling may need help with finding the light.